In the 60's a small shop of domestic sewing machines, with only 35 m², located in the Penha neighborhood, where nowadays Penha Shopping Center is located, began its journey towards the complex world of Industrial sewing machines for the garment sector.
November 15th
Under the fantasy name of Andrade Sewing Machines, begins the administration
of the current directors.
January 23th
Death of the father and founder Manoel Joaquim Andrade.
New oficial company name: Andrade Máquinas de Costura Ltda.
January 13th
Beginning of the company Andrade & Andrade, established in Carrão / SP, where
clientele it was characterized for being, mostly, formed by Japanese, came from
there the name SANSEI (third generation) in the product, a nice way to grace them.
Rimoldi Italian brand machines, high performance, are incorporated into the product mix.
March 13th
First imports of CROWN (Kingtex) machines from Taiwan.
March 22th
Foundation of the company Andrade Máquinas para Indústria de Confecções
Ltda, installing in Bom Retiro area, most importante clothes production and
wholesaler center in Brazil.
April 24th
Company Andrade Máquinas de Costura Ltda moves to Bom Retiro, next to its
sister company, specializing in spare parts.
August 15th
Importation of the first Japanese Yamato and South Korean Daewoo machines.
Beginning of the acquisition of the representation of SIRUBA machines.
Agreement with a Singer Co. allows a production of SANSEI machines under the
OEM regime.
February 10th
Start of the manufacture of the famous Overlock and Interlocks, Sansei Lady Lock
portable, which reaches more than 50,000 units produced and distributed in
Brazil and abroad.
Lady Press Pass Line is launched. Beginning of the policy to open branches. Orange needles are part of the team represented by Andrade.
March 3rd
New agreement with Singer Co, It was stablished purchase lockstich from them
under OEM and subsequent supply portable overlock machines from our
production line model White (2200) at same basis
June 4th
It adopts the "lean" name Andrade Máquinas Ltda.
March 3rd
Through its affiliate Easa S/A, Andrade Máquinas Ltda expands production of
sewing machines and start-up production of automotive, casting, transformers
and energy transmission equipments under EASA brand name at Jundiaí SP.
April 29th
It Start up diversification for the new editorial core business: Super Moldes
Sansei and the magazine Feira & Cia are launched.
June 10th
With openness to imported goods, the company sell its foundry and automotive
department, following a worldwide trend of seeking to focus on those sectors
where they are more competitive and more prepared to offer better services to
their customers.
January 31st
Change in its corporate structure accelerates development.
September 3rd
Moving to luxurious headquarters in the district of Campos Elíseos / SP adding a
new look to the company, more modern and competitive.
October 8th
Opening Maringá branch / PR.
January 1st
Opening Caruaru branch / PE.
July 7th
Change of the company's headquarters to Guarulhos in an area of 7,500m2
nearby the main highways of Brazil, this way, facilitating company logistics.
April 10th
Opening Blumenau branch/ SC.
August 1st
Begins the representation and distribution of Brother domestic sewing machines.
December 31st
After 28 years, Siruba representation in Brazil is finalized. New phase of
companie, where have been given more emphasize its own brand SANSEI, that
contemplates more technology and quality with better prices.
March 3rd
New corporate identity and vehicles fleet, boost brand name and company.
October 9th
Andrade Maquinas becomes the 1st Brazilian company in the industry to
accomplish the severe requirements of the MPT (Public Labor Ministry) with the
NR-12 standards for industrial sewing machines.
February 1st
New products to meet heavy industry, with more than 10 years that have been
marketed by its sister company, are integrated into the product line: SANSEI
winches and hoists.
July 1st
Andrade signs a partnership with renowned designer Alexandre Herchcovitch for
testing and approval SANSEI machines.
13 de Dezembro
Realização da primeira edição do evento Andrade & Sansei - Melhores do Ano, premiação anual das melhores revendas.
18 de Dezembro
Andrade Máquinas monta laboratório de costura na USP.
09 de Abril
Sansei patrocina reality show “A Roupa Ideal”com Arlindo Grund e Alexandre Herchcovitch, no canal Sony.
06 de Junho
Renovação da parceria com o estilista Alexandre Herchcovitch.
21 de Agosto
Feira Febratex com grande sucesso e participação do nosso parceiro Alexandre Herchcovitch.
10 de Dezembro
Realização da segunda edição do evento Andrade & Sansei - Melhores do Ano
29 de Novembro
Abertura da filial Andrade Máquinas em Fortaleza/CE.
Grande participação na mídia televisiva, com pautas nos programas SBT Brasil, SPTV 1ª edição da Globo e Aqui na Band.
09 de Dezembro
Realização da terceira edição do evento Andrade & Sansei - Melhores do Ano.
31 de Janeiro
Abertura da filial Andrade Máquinas em Goiânia/GO
21 de Maio
Andrade no combate a pandemia de COVID-19. Foram feitas doações de cestas básicas, máscaras e álcool em gel.
16 de Fevereiro
Andrade Máquinas firma parceria com o grande estilista Amir Slama
01 de Março
Abertura da filial Andrade Máquinas em Betim/MG